Volumes in English
- Triumph of the Waterwitch, preface by Adam J.Sorkin, translated by Adam J.Sorkin with the author; Bloodaxe, UK, 2000; shortlisted, with a special mention, for the Sir Weidenfeld Prize, Oxford.
- Life Line as a Skyscraper, lyrics in English, Vinea Press – International, Bucharest-New York, 2006;
- Tempo Rubato, the Time of Poetry, lyrics in English, Vinea Press – International, Bucharest, 2009.
Lavinia and Her Daughters, A Carpathian Elegy, American edition from the Romanian Egloga translated by Adam J. Sorkin and the poet, preface by Adam J.Sorkin, Cervena Barva Press, 2020.
Online in English
- Omnivorous Syllables, an anthology of lyrics translated by Adam Sorkin, Sergiu Celac and Carrie Messenger; and poems written in English; preface by Fiona Sampson; Liternet, Bucharest, 2006;
- The Lens of a Flame, poems, Contemporary Literature Press, Bucharest, 2010.
Ariadne’s Veil, poems, introduced by Lidia Vianu and Dennis O’Driscoll, illustrated by Cristina Ioana Young, Contemporary Literature Press, București, 2013
- When Big Is Not Beautiful. House of the People, collage and verse, with illustrations by Dinu Lazăr (DL), Andrei Pandele, Andrei Bârsan, editat de Ana Damian, Liternet, , 2019
Bilingual Editions
-- Romanian / English
- Triumful Paparudei / Fool’s Triumph, preface by Gheorghe Crăciun, translation of the whole volume, by Georgiana Gălăţeanu-Fârnoagă and Sharon King, Editura Paralela 45, Piteşti/Braşov, 2000.
- 41 Poems / Poezii, preface by Dan Cristea, translated by Adam J.Sorkin with the author, Editura Cartea Românească, Bucharest, 2003.
- Scara rulantă / Escalator, lyrics, translated by Adam J. Sorkin with Sergiu Celac and with the author, Editura Muzeului Literaturii Române, Bucharest, 2005.
- Cifre în delir. Casa Poporului / When Big Is Not Beautiful. House of the People, collage and verse, preface by Silvia Colfescu. Translation into English by Adam J. Sorkin (verse) and proza de Ernest H. Latham Jr. with the author, Editura Vremea, “Planeta București”.
-- Romanian / Catalan
- Els estels cauen a terra / Zmeie se izbesc de pământ, lyrics by Denisa Comănescu and Ioana Ieronim, Institucio de les Lettres Catalanes, Barcelona, 2008.
Multilingual Edition
-- Romanian / Catalan / English
- Zmeie peste munte/ Estels, muntanya enllà/ Dragon Kites over the Mountain, with a preface by the author; Catalan version by Joan Llinàs, with the contribution of Francesc Parcerisas and Jana Balacciu Matei. English version by Adam J. Sorkin, Editura Meronia, Bucharest, 2005
- Lyrics included in anthologies in Romania, USA, Greece, Turkey Israel and Venezuela.
Volumes in German
Brückengasse ohne Ufer, German version of “Triumful Paparudei”, translated by Dagmar Dusil, afterword by Hans Bergel, Johannis Reeg Verlag, Bamberg, 2008
Poems included in anthologies in Romania, USA, Greece, Turkey, Israel and Venezuela
Volumes in Romanian
- Vară timpurie (Early Summer), poems, Editura Cartea Românească, Bucharest, 1979.
- Proiect de mitologie (Project for a Mythology), poems, Editura Eminescu, Bucharest, 1981.
- Cortina (The Curtain), poems, Editura Eminescu, Bucharest, 1983.
- Eglogă (Eclogue), narrative poetry, Editura Cartea Românească, Bucharest,1984.
- Poeme [electronice] ([Electronic] Poems), lyrics, Editura Cartea Românească, Bucharest, 1986.
- Luni dimineaţa (Monday Morning), poems, Editura Cartea Românească, Bucharest, 1987.
- Triumful Paparudei (Triumph of the Watewitch), narrative poetry, Editura Litera, Bucharest, 1992.
- Munci, zile, alunecări de teren (Works, Days and Earth Slidings), selected verse, preface by Alex.Ştefănescu, Editura Maşina de scris, Bucharest, 2001.
- Triumful Paparudei (Triumph of the Watewitch), selected verse and critical references, preface by Paul Cernat, in the collection « Ediții definitive », Editura Vinea, Bucharest 2006.
- Liber la Casino (Free Casino), plays for the theater, Editura Tracus Arte, 2013
- Când strugurii se prefac în vin (When Grapes Turn to Wine), verse , Editura Cartea Românească, 2013
- În sunet de joagăr (The Sound of Chainsaw), verse, Editura Tracus Arte, 2016
- Trecere petrecere (Passing, Passing By), verse, Editura Tracus Arte, 2019
- Portrete, autoportrete (Portraits, Self Portraits), verse, Editura Tracus Arte, 2019
Online in Romanian
- Silabe omnivore (Omnivorous Syllables), lyrics, preface by Iulia Popovici, Liternet Bucharest, 2006. (www.liternet.ro)
- Poeme Electronice, Societatea Culturală Noesis, 1999.